The Sanskrit Studies Podcast

7. Madhav Deshpande | Bridging Sanskrit Traditions

My guest this week is Madhav Deshpande. Read more about him here and here.  Take a look  here for a list of many of his publications and here for his Sanskrit textbook, 

In talking about his early life, he mentions the stotras of Śaṅkara, and the upanayana and sandhya cermonies. (And yes, I know I managed to bungle those pronunciations a bit in the podcast! )

Among the many places of education in Pune, there are Deccan College and Fergusson College (see also here), which have been affiliated with Pune University (also here). Read more about traditional pāṭhaśālas here, and watch a video here

Among the many academic luminaries mentioned in this interview, there are S. D. JoshiJ. A. F. Roodbergen, R. N. Dandekar, Paul Thieme, George Cardona, Ashok AklujkarLudo Rocher, Henry Hoenigswald, Peter Hook, and Arthur Berriedale Keith

Read more on the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung. S. D. Joshi's Sanskrit Hamlet can be found here.

Much could be linked to  from our discussion about Hinduism and teaching Hinduism; learn more about B. R. Ambedkar; the California Textbook Controversy, Sheldon Pollock's The Death of Sanskrit, the Dismantling Global Hindutva Conference; and the Chinmaya Mission.

Unfortunately, there is no public website for Professor Deshpande's Sanskrit poetry yet.